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tbea wins national sci-tech progress award again


the 2020 national science & technology award conference was held in beijing on november 3. the project of "independent development and engineering application of ±800kv dc converter transformer" involving tbea was granted the second prize of 2020 national science & technology award. to date tbea has won 2 grand prizes, 4 first prizes and 3 second prizes of national science & technology award.
±800kv uhv dc transmission is china's core technology of addressing the ultra-long-distance and large-capacity transmission of power and the reverse distribution of energy and power load, and implementing the "west-east power transmission" strategy. the ±800kv dc converter transformer is the core equipment with the highest technical difficulty and value in projects. china's converter transformers for uhv dc projects were mainly designed abroad and assembled at home in early days. full dependence on foreign drawings and imported materials have impeded the construction and technical progress of uhv dc projects in china, making it urgent to independently develop such equipment and apply it in projects.
the project of "independent development and engineering application of ±800kv dc converter transformer", implemented by research institutes, universities and enterprises, has filled a chinese gap in the independent development of ±800kv high-end converter transformers.
early at the beginning of the ±800kv dc transmission project, tbea started developing core transformers, and progressively established national sci-tech innovation platforms including national ultra high voltage transformer engineering technology research center. during developing the ±800kv high-end converter transformer, tbea completed a dozen special technical researches, including "influence of steep wave generated in dc operation on longitudinal insulation of windings", addressed a bunch of technical problems, and formed a few technical innovations and patents, not only developing independent and innovative equipment for major national projects, but also laying a new groundwork for tbea to keep improving its innovation capacity.
the ±800kv high-end converter transformer developed by tbea has been successfully applied in uhv dc transmission projects such as yunnan-guangdong line, xiangjiaba-shanghai line, jinping-sunan line and kumul-zhengzhou line, with all its technical indicators up to advanced international standards. the product has formed an r&d, manufacturing and qc system for uhv high-end converter transformers with independent intellectual property rights, and established tbea's world leading role in the field of uhv transmission and transformation.