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helping tajikistan build power “lifeline”


● on april 20th, 2015, dushanbe no.2 thermal power plant project started its construction, by september 1st in this year, it has 500-day zero accidents construction. at present, unit #3 is preparing for the final start of entire unit, and unit # 4 is also entering into a latter stage of installation, and it is expected to be completed by the end of this year.
 ● after the completion of phase ii, the total power generating capacity will reach 2.2 billion kwh full year, which could resolve 60% of the tajikistan electricity shortage, providing 4.3 million square meters for heating, covering 70% of the heating area of dushanbe.
in the suburb, new no.2 thermal power plant phase ii project in dushanbe is being built, which will supply the power for the entire downtown dushanbe after its completion, called as the city’s “lifeline”. it is the country’s largest thermal power station constructed by tbea and also aim to be the sample of the two countries’ international capacity cooperation.
tajikistan mainly relies on hydro-power generation, but during the winter dry season, power rationing supply is a common practice, and even the capital dushanbe only supply four-hour power per day, and the residents have to make a fire for heating by themselves. power shortages constrains the economic and social development of tajikistan, so the construction of the power plants has become the government’s priority. with the direct promotion of the two governments, and the ministry of energy of tajikistan signed a construction contract with tbea for dushanbe no. 2 thermal power plant, and the project started in october 2012.
 in fact, tbea has participated in tajikistan electric power construction for a long time, such as 500 kv north-south high voltage transmission line project, which means well-established good cooperative relationship and mutual trust with tajikistan. in order to early complete the dushanbe no.2 thermal power plant, more than a thousand chinese technicians and workers tried to overcome the difficult conditions, and made the two units successfully start at the beginning and in the middle of 2014, which was six months earlier than the contract period, making outstanding contributions to improve the electricity supply conditions for the dushanbe’s people.
currently, the construction of phase ii thermal power plant is ongoing, and expected to be completed by the end of this year. after that, the total electricity generating capacity of the whole year will reach 2.2 billion kwh, which could resolve 60% of the tajikistan electricity gap, while providing 4.3 million square meters of heating area, covering 70% of the heating area of dushanbe.
the cooling towers and pylons first jumped into our sight when we enter into the thermal power plant, and presented the industrial aesthetic charm against the background of the blue sky and clouds. the tbea project leader, xiao zhi, pointed at a row of roadside units and told reporters that china adopted the world's most advanced electric dust bags and wet fgd technology during construction, and the electric bag dust removal and desulfurization rate can reach 99.95% and 95%, which is completely in line with international standards, and emissions of pollutants are full real-time monitored, which effectively protects the local environment. in addition, the 220 kv double circuit transmission lines used in the thermal power plant can reduce energy loss; the ash generated in the process can be treated to recycle, creating additional economic benefits to the plant.
the leaders of the both countries paid great attention to these critical projects which will promote the economic development of tajikistan and the benefit of the people's livelihood. in september 2014, chinese president, xi jinping, had a state visit to tajikistan, and attended the completion ignition of dushanbe no.2 thermal power plant stage i project and the groundbreaking ceremony of phase ii project with the tajikistan president, emomali rakhmon. xi jinping said that dushanbe no.2 thermal power plant is a landmark project for pragmatic cooperation between two countries, and also a symbol of friendship between our people. rakhmon praised china’s effort at improving tajikistan’s abilities of power self-support, which is a model of high level of cooperation between countries.
 this project has been highly recognized by the people of tajikistan. kasimov is a retired electricity expert of the ministry of energy in tajikistan. after retirement, he chose to come to the project and continue to play his role in the project. kasimov told reporters that china sent personnel from tajikistan in batches during the project to xi'an for further study, and trained a number of outstanding talents. he felt very pleased to have these successors at thermal power plants.
 he said emotionally, “the chinese friends and me have witnessed the construction of this thermal power plant, and their professionalism and sophistication of the plant equipment have impressed me a lot. now the plant is running very well. we are no longer afraid of the coldness in winter as 24-hour electricity supply achieved, thanks to my chinese friends, dushanbe people and me are very grateful to your help!”