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experts gathered in tbea to discuss the cutting-edge energy and power technologies


xinjiang is the "three bases and one channel" to ensure national energy security, which plays a special role in the energy industry. more and more "xinjiang power transmission lines" uhv channels are accelerating the planning.
on june 24, the 2022 seminar of the chinese society for electrical engineering dc transmission and the power electronics committee was held at the headquarters of tbea in changji, xinjiang. top industry experts gathered in xinjiang to discuss a number of cutting-edge energy and power technologies, serve the carbon peak and neutrality targets strategy, and lead the new national business card of uhvdc technology.
the meeting was hosted by the chinese society for electrical engineering dc transmission and the power electronics committee, jointly hosted by the state key laboratory of dc transmission technology, the dc system and power electronics (b4) special committee of cigre china national committee, china southern power grid research institute co., ltd., and undertaken by tbea sunoasis co., ltd, the national technical standard innovation base (dc transmission and power electronics technology) is jointly undertaken.
xinjiang is the "three bases and one channel" to ensure national energy security, which plays a special important role in the overall national strategy and energy development layout. more and more "xinjiang power transmission lines" uhv channels are also accelerating the planning. the experts at the meeting pointed out that the successful holding of the meeting has a positive role in promoting china’s carbon peak and neutrality targets strategy, accelerating the construction of new energy bases, increasing the proportion of new energy power, helping the construction of new power systems, and improving the ability of " power transmission from xinjiang to other area".
source: the people's daily xinjiang channel
editor: renba hu