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zhang xin is elected vice chairman of acfic


shiliuyun/xinjiang daily (shi xin reports)--the first meeting of the 13th executive committee of all-china federation of industry and commerce (acfic) was held in beijing on december 12. the meeting elected a new leading organization and leadership of acfic. zhang xin, secretary of the party committee and chairman of tbea co., ltd., was elected as the vice chairman of acfic.

zhang xin at the 13th national congress of acfic.

"the election of me as the vice chairman of acfic reflects the federation’s great care for the national high-end equipment manufacturing industry represented by tbea, which is an honor and a weighty responsibility. only with continuous learning can we fulfill the mission entrusted by the good times, and only with continuous progress can we live up to the high expectations of the party and the people." zhang xin said in an interview on december 13.

according to public data, the acfic, founded in 1953, is a people's organization and chamber of commerce led by the cpc with private enterprises and private economic figures as the main body. it is an non-governmental economic organization that contributes to the united front, and a bridge between the party/the government and private economic figures. the federation is an assistant of the government in managing and serving private economy, and an important part of the chinese people's political consultative conference.

zhang xin noted that tbea should always make it the biggest political task to learn and understand xi jinping's thought of socialism with chinese characteristics in the new era, always take "two upholds" as the highest political principle and fundamental political rule, carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit, stick to progress and goodness, deliver the decision and deployment of the party central committee in a timely manner, unite the private economic figures under the party's banner, and firmly follow the party. tbea should be a good leader in promoting high-quality innovative development, and a good example in forming intimate yet honest relations with the government.

as a local enterprise in xinjiang, tbea has developed from a small street factory with an annual income of less than 100,000 yuan 34 years ago to a high-tech enterprise group in the three national strategic emerging industries of high-end energy equipment manufacturing, silicon-based new energy and aluminum electronic new materials. in the next step, tbea will take the spirit of the 20th party congress as its guide, follow the work requirements of the party central committee and the state council as well as the deployment made in the report of the 13th national congress of the acfic. tbea will make use of its favorable conditions in the r&d and manufacturing of high-end energy equipment, green low-carbon innovative development, and its location advantage in "the belt and road" to contribute to the new chapter of acfic with new efforts.
