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tbea is committed to making african projects excellent projects


while providing clients with power & energy systematic solutions, tbea always adheres to the idea of delivering friendships with excellent projects. currently, tbea has completed or is undertaking related turn-key of power engineering projects in six african countries including angola, zambia, ethiopia, kenya, sudan and tanzania. to better serve the power construction of african countries, during the period from may 19th to june 8th 2016, a team led by mr. zhang xin, the chairman of tbea, visited these countries successively to inspect the construction of projects and motivate employees of tbea to strive for “excellent projects” .
during the china-africa cooperation forum summit held in dec. 2015, when president xi jinping were visiting china-africa equipment manufacturing industry exhibition with more than 30 african heads of state and government, he introduced to the presidents from those countries and praised tbea as: “a world’s leading enterprise dedicated to ultra-high voltage in china.” in may 2014, during the visit to four african countries, li keqiang inquired for many times about the construction of african projects of tbea and the working and living conditions of its staff.
debretsion gebremichael, deputy prime minister of ethiopia, expressed thanks for the contributions made by tbea to ethiopia. he said: “products of tbea have good reputation in ethiopia. the power transmission and distribution project it undertook had won great praises from ethiopian government and power companies with good performance capabilities, and plays a key role in improving the power supply in the southern region and the capital of ethiopia.”
receiving care and encouragement, zhang xin said: “we must create reliable, high quality products, projects and services that can be tested by timeand serve every client with excellent project.
[key words] construction, excellent project,
since this summer, the construction and development of some tbea projects in africa started to enter key stages. after more than two years of construction, angola soyo-kapary 400kv power transmission and distribution project undertaken by tbea has its first stage of project drawing to a close and near completion and operation, the second stage is also about to open for construction. besides, construction of related projects in kenya, ethiopia and other countriesbegan one after another. to ensure the schedule and quality of projects, zhang xin led visitsto six countries including angola, ethiopia, kenya, zambia, sultan and tanzania from may 19th to june 8th, and inspected the schedule and construction of projects in these countries.
 zhang xin and others deeply inspected the construction of projects. angola soyo-kapary 400kv power transmission and distribution project was their first stop.
 as an important overseas construction project of chinese enterprise approved by the state council, after completion, it will greatly enhance the grid structure of northern area and luanda area of angola, connect angola’s four regional grids of northern, central, southern and eastern areas, and continuously deliver the surplus power resources of northern angola to every corner of the country so as to relieve the current shortage of power supply and satisfy the rapidly increasing power demands of angola.
it is also because that the project plays a key role in angola’s national power supply, tbea’s local builders focused on every detail while taking control of the overall construction. the inspection team found on site that there is no grinding and secondary repairing mark on the base part, the round drainage manhole cover is well-made, the quality of civil construction is outstanding, and the installation of equipment was very professional. zhang xin encouraged employees to make the project a high-efficient and high-quality excellent project to better contribute to the economic development and improvement of people’s livelihood of both china and angola and deeper friendly cooperation between the two countries, and to create tbea’s international demonstration project by making angola project a high-quality one of “lu ban prize”.
apart from providing african countries with power transmission and distribution as well as transport services, tbea also actively contributes to the development of power construction of each african country in other power and construction fields. in kenya, the upgrading and reconstruction project of 220kvand 66kvgrid in nairobi undertaken by tbea is just a project carried out for solving the issue of increasingly  tense power supply in that city.
as an important part of kenyan 2030 vision, after completion and put into operation, it increased the sites of 220kv substation in nairobi supply area, formed dual-power and multi-loop power supply pattern in most of 66kv substation in that area by penetrating into load center, and met the “n-1” power supply principle. therefore, it provides strong support to the optimization of 66kv grid frame and greatly enhances the reliability and security of power supply areas in nairobi.
meanwhile, tbea also actively participated in the construction of nairobi- mombasa railway project - the biggest one since the last century kenya and undertook the electrified power supply project of it. implementation of nairobi- mombasa project will greatly strengthen the import and export goods tansport capacity of kenya by sea and will also facilitate the connectivity between kenya and other countries after completing the  connectivityof railway networks of eastern africa.
[key words] service, brightness
“though it has sufficient manpower and abundant natural resources, this piece of hot land africa is somewhat poor. our mission to assist in local development is arduous and glorious. tbea shall spare no effort to bring more brightness and driving force to this land.” said zhang xin.
 named as “great project” by local government, ethiopiagibe iii to capital addis ababa power transmission project became a large channel for the main network and power  outputof southern grid of the country after completion and put into operation, greatly relieving the shortage of local power supply and playing an important role in balancing national grid.
 ethiopia is also one of the important markets for tbea “go out” strategy. the products of tbea have already been used in main grid construction of the country and the gibe iii to addis ababa 400kv power transmission project undertaken by tbea has started operation smoothly in dec. 2015. at present, the project has become a trunk line for ethiopia’s southern grid and been operated as the channel of power  output of jebel 3 hydropower station with the largest installed capacity currently, playing an important part in easing the shortage of local power supply and balancing national grid.
 debretsion gebremichael, deputy prime minister of ethiopia said: “products of tbea have positivereputation in ethiopia. the power transmission and distribution project it undertook won great praises from ethiopian government and power companies with good performance capabilitiesand plays a key role in improving the power supply in the southern region and the capital of ethiopia.”
“tbea brings development to this country and they have the highest technology level among many power enterprises from lots of countries i knew.” summywho works as an electrician in ethiopia had participated in the entire process of construction of local power transmission line undertaken by tbea.
 as the largest power transmission and distribution project in the recent decade of zambia, the 330kv power transmission and distribution project undertaken by tbea has become the key link for the country to connect the national grids of southeast african countries including tanzania, malawi and kenya since completion and put into operation in last oct. it greatly facilitates the energy infrastructure construction and the development of mining and agriculture industry of zambia, increasing employment opportunities, and helps tbea gain sound local reputation. as for the upgrading and reconstruction project of kenya nairobi 220kv, 66kv grid currently under busy construction, it will greatly enhance the power supply capacity and stability of capital city, facilitate local infrastructure construction and employment, and improve the living standards of local people once completed.
sardar the journalist of the timesfromeastern province zambia who had interviewed and reported the power transmission and distribution project of tbea in that province for several times. he said: “before building this project, using electricity was just an extravagant hope for us. china’s enterprise makes it come true. we admire tbea very much.”
[key words] communication friendship
 the power engineering projects undertaken by tbea in countries like sudan, togo, tanzania and cameroon are also praised by local people as major “project of brightness and driving force”, “livelihood project” and “happiness project”. zhang xin said that the african projects undertaken by tbea are vital projects for the economies of those countries. tbea must ensure the quality of projects to create good brand image in the country where project locates.
 builders of tbea african projects and international projects must start from the current existing project platform to build up construction teams with high objective, high standard and high level, so as to realize the goal of “creating fine work and establishing a monument by building a project” with solid foundation and rigorous style, to fight for “lu-ban prize” and make our greatest contribution to “lighting africa”.
apart from the excellent project, tbea is also actively participating in promoting the friendship between china and africa in other ways. in the country where project locates, tbea takes an active part in local public welfare undertakings. for instance, in dec. 2015, chinese chamber of commerce in ethiopia organized a ceremony to donate study and sports goods to abay primary school and ethiopia-china friendship primary school built with aid from china, and tbea office in ethiopia also donated a batch of stationery commodity as a representative; in june 2014, tbea held a donation activity in sos children village in chipata, eastern province of zambia, for the sos children village and magwero school for deaf-mutes, making positive efforts for local drop-out children to come back to school.
 debretsion gebremichael, deputy prime minister of ethiopia (second from right) was having a cordial meeting with zhang xin (second from left), president of tbea, and his team
tbea and clients were communicating under a tent in angola
zhang xin washaving friendly conversation with clients in kenya
local excellent employees were awarded for tbea zambia 330kv project