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angola sk projuect n'zeto substation put into operation successfully minister of angola ministry of energy and water resources expressed thanks to tbea


on nov.23, 2016, angola soyo-kapary 400kv power transmission and transformation project turn-key project n'zeto 400kv substation undertaken by tbea was successfully put into operation one go.
on the day, more than 600 people in total including minister of angola ministry of energy and water resources joão baptista borges, minister of homeland, governor of zaire, governor of n'zeto and such important members of angolan government as well as local people from all walks of life in n'zeto attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the substation’s putting into operation.
“this will attract more investment and development opportunities to benefit local people,” said joão baptista borges. “n'zeto substation increases the power supply of the area, creates job opportunities for local residents and supports the development of regional economy, and it is an
important part of development strategy of angola’s national power system.”
 located in zaire province of angola, n'zeto substation is also an important part of soyo-kapary power transmission and transformation project which was undertaken by tbea. after completion, the project will greatly strengthen the structure of power system in northern part and luanda area of angola and connect four regional grids from the northern, central, southern and eastern areas to continuously transmit the surplus electricity of northern angola to every corner of the country, and therefore ease the current tense power supply situation and meet the rapidly growing demand for electricity and economic and social development in angolachairman of tbea zhang xin said, tbea is willing to bring global advanced transmission and distribution technology to angola and train large number of technical experts, engineer technical personnel and operation workers for that country so as to ensure reliable and safe long-term operation, thus provide guarantee for the social development of angola.
governor of zaire joanes andré said the project connecting the national electric power system of angola is helpful to promote local development of communications, agriculture, technology, fisheries and tourism.
at the press conference after the visit, the minister and the governor repeatedly mentioned the importance of sk project to angola and zaire and expressed their thanks to tbea’s remarkable work. they all agreed that the timely putting into operation of the project is not only a “pro-people project” bringing light for local people, but also one lies solid foundation for the sustainable development of local economic society.
minister of angola ministry of energy and water resources joão baptista borges expressed his thanks to tbea for their hard work in the construction and said it was the professional dedication of tbea that ensures the project’s high-efficient, high-quality and timely completion. he hopes that tbea will participate in more power energy project construction and undertake more arduous missions for the development of angola’s electric power industry.
 representatives of tbea expressed that tbea has always taking credibility and integrity as well as satisfying customers as their own mission, and it will make contribution to the angola’s energy construction as always to bring more welfare to the people of angola.
 local people of n'zeto expressed their thanks to tbea, who brought them light, with singing and dancing joyfully. angola’s national tv station, zaire tv station, angola daily and such mainstream media had special reports for the news that both minister of angola ministry of energy and water resources and governor of zaire attended the press conference for putting into operation of n'zeto substation. local major media including angola daily reported this news as well.
it's also learned that on august 2, the first substation of the project - katete 400kv substation successfully transmitted power right the first time. the entire project is scheduled to be completed by june 2017.
with global advanced transmission and distribution technology adopted, the project will realize intelligent, unmanned operation of substation, lower loss and high efficiency of power grid after completion.
chairman of tbea zhang xin said, tbea is willing to bring global advanced transmission and distribution technology to angola and train large number of technical experts, engineer technical personnel and operation workers for that country so as to ensure reliable and safe long-term operation, thus provide guarantee for the social development of angola.