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tbea: 23 projects signed at the 7th china-eurasia expo with a total signing amount of 9.3 billion dollars


during this year’s china-eurasia expo, tbea has signed 23 projects with a total signing amount of 9.3 billion dollars. the company has deepened the cooperation with many enterprises and scientific research institutions in the areas of polysilicon, new energy, digital transformation of equipment manufacturing industry, 5g digital factory and industrial internet platform construction, etc.
on sep. 19th, the opening day of the 7th china-eurasia expo, one reporter saw that in hall 4 of xinjiang international exhibition center, visitors stood around a “big block” displayed in the booth of tbea co., ltd. the big block is a ±800kv dry-type dc bushing, about 16 meters long, which is also the first domestic product independently developed by tbea to make breakthrough in r&d of key and core components and parts of major equipment in china. it provides xinjiang approach and xinjiang wisdom to the clean, safe and highly efficient development of china’s energy industry as well as dual carbon goals.
during the china-eurasia expo, tbea focuses on the following six parts: providing green and clean solutions for global energy industry, contributing xinjiang approach and xinjiang wisdom to the national dual carbon strategy, being an outstanding green and intelligent global energy service provider, jointly building the belt and road initiative (bri), being a technology leader and global supplier of the aluminum-based new material industry and marching towards the future. the exhibition highlights the theme of “striding towards zero carbon future with one heart”, and presents the system solutions leading the low-carbon and intelligent development of global power transmission technology in the form of graphic panels physical objects multimedia sand table. the exhibition also shows the whole series of products in the green cycle economy industrial chain of silicon-based new energy and the chain of aluminum-based new material. in addition, a more remarkable achievement that fills the gap in domestic technology and breaks technology bottleneck, which is known as the ± 800kv uhv dry-type dc bushing, together with the world’s first ±1100kv converter transformer independently developed by tbea, and the world’s first ±800kv uhv vsc-hvdc converter valve.
during the expo, tbea signed 23 projects with a total amount of 9.3 billion dollars. serving the requirements of national energy strategy, the company has deepened the cooperation with many enterprises and scientific research institutions in the areas of polysilicon, new energy power source-grid-load-storage, digital transformation of equipment manufacturing, 5g digital factory and industrial internet platform construction. by giving full play to the advantages of enterprise s&t innovation and industry leadership, as well as the advantages of xinjiang energy resources, tbea promotes the development of xinjiang uhv major equipment manufacturing, silicon-based new energy, aluminum-based new material and other industrial clusters.
zhang xin, general secretary of the party committee and chairman of tbea, indicates that tbea has actively implemented the great bri, participated in the high-quality construction and continuously deepened the cooperation with countries along the route, which re-energizes their economic and social development for the sake of local people. tbea’s high-tech products and system integration solutions have successfully entered more than 70 countries and regions. and it’s expected that the expo could facilitate the exchanges with potential customers and make significant market achievements based on xinjiang’s energy resource endowment and location advantages. tbea is willing to share china’s advanced products, technologies and services with the rest of the world.
it is reported that tbea has attended the china-eurasia expo for seven consecutive years, established communication and cooperation channels with customers in asia, europe and africa, and promoted the implementation of major bri cooperation projects in tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, the philippines and other countries.